Debian Essential And Critical Security Patch Updates - Page 277
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Recently multiple servers of the Debian project were compromised using aDebian developers account and an unknown root exploit. Forensicsrevealed a burneye encrypted exploit. Robert van der Meulen managed todecrypt the binary which revealed a kernel exploit. Usingthis bug it is possible for a userland program to trick the kernel intogiving access to the full kernel address space.
The SuSE Security Team discovered several exploitable formats stringvulnerabilities in hylafax, a flexible client/server fax system, whichcould lead to executing arbitrary code as root on the fax server.
A security-related problem has been discovered in minimalist, amailing list manager, which allows a remote attacker to executearbitrary commands.
Steve Kemp discovered a buffer overflow in the commandline andenvironment variable handling of omega-rpg.
A maliciousserver could craft a reply which triggers the client to allocate anegative amount of memory. This could lead to a denial of service ifthe client only crashes, but may also lead to executing of arbitrarycode under the user id of the chatting user.
Steve Kemp discovered a buffer overflow in the environment variablehandling of conquest, a curses based, real-time, multi-player spacewarfare game, which could lead a local attacker to gain unauthorisedaccess to the group conquest.
Tom Lane discovered a buffer overflow in the to_ascii function inPostgreSQL. This allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code onthe host running the database.
An information leak and an arbitrary code execution vulnerability have been fixed.
Aldrin Martoq has discovered a denial of service (DoS) vulnerability inApache Tomcat 4.0.x.
teve Henson of the OpenSSL core team identified and prepared fixesfor a number of vulnerabilities in the OpenSSL ASN1 code that werediscovered after running a test suite by British NationalInfrastructure Security Coordination Centre (NISCC).
Multiple vulnerabilities including unauthorized access and buffer overflow have been fixed.
Steve Kemp discovered a buffer overflow in freesweep, when processingseveral environment variables. This vulnerability could be exploitedby a local user to gain gid 'games'.
Steve Kemp discovered a buffer overflow in marbles, when processingthe HOME environment variable. This vulnerability could be exploitedby a local user to gain gid 'games'.
This advisory is an addition to the earlier DSA-383-1 advisory: SolarDesigner found four more bugs in OpenSSH that may be exploitable.
This advisory is an addition to the earlier DSA-382-1 and DSA-382-3advisories: Solar Designer found four more bugs in OpenSSH that may beexploitable.
Due to use ofcertain improper filtering rules, traffic arriving on the externalinterface addressed for an internal host would be forwarded,regardless of whether it was associated with an establishedconnection.
Mail::Mailer module, a Perl module used for sending email, wherebypotentially untrusted input is passed to a program such as mailx,which may interpret certain escape sequences as commands to beexecuted.
hztty, a program to translate Chinese character encodings in aterminal session. These vulnerabilities could be exploited by a localattacker to gain root privileges on a system where hztty is installed.
gopherd, a gopher server from the University of Minnesota, contains anumber of buffer overflows which could be exploited by a remoteattacker to execute arbitrary code with the privileges of the gopherdprocess.