Debian Essential And Critical Security Patch Updates - Page 294

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Debian: 'gzip' Potential buffer overflow


GOBBLES found a buffer overflow in gzip that occurs when compressingfiles with really long filenames. Even though GOBBLES claims to havedeveloped an exploit to take advantage of this bug, it has been saidby others that this problem is not likely to be exploitable as othersecurity incidents.

Debian: 'wu-ftpd' remote root exploit


CORE ST reports that an exploit has been found for a bug in the wu-ftpdglob code (this is the code that handles filename wildcard expansion).Any logged in user (including anonymous ftp users) can exploit the bugto gain root privilege on the server.

Debian: 'w3m' buffer overflow


In SNS Advisory No. 32 a buffer overflow vulnerability has been reported in the routine which parses MIME headers that are returned from web servers. A malicious web server administrator could exploit this and let the client web browser execute arbitrary code.