Fedora Essential and Critical Security Patch Updates - Page 850
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This update should fix the issue a number of people saw after the recent kernel update where various modules would fail to load during boot, making systems unbootable. After updating this package, remove, and reinstall the recent kernel update, and the initrd will be recreated correctly.
This update fixes a regression of pam_userdb against FC3 pam and links to shared audit library as audit-libs-devel is now fixed.
This should fix the problem where monitoring desktop files works initially but sometimes fails after a while. This is a safe update from 0.1.1-1.FC4
This should fix the problem where monitoring desktop files works initially but sometimes fails after a while. This is a safe update from 0.1.1-1.FC3
This update quietens some error messages, fixes support for long file names, and allows 32 bit machines to search in logs created by 64 bit kernel.
This update includes an updated libtool script to synchronize with the gcc 4.0.1 update.