Red Hat Essential and Critical Security Patch Updates
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These packages fix a possible format-string vulnerability in the defaultlogging callback function provided by libsasl.
Updated postfix packages are now availble that will fix a possible denialof service attack.
Updated wu-ftpd packages are available to fix an overflowable buffer.
Due to the kernel used in the Red Hat Linux 7.1 Korean installationprogram, some files are written by the installation program with the wrongpermissions.
Updated ht://dig packages fix a DOS attack and a potential (yet unlikely)security problem.
A new version of iptables fixing various minor security problems and some other bugs is available.
A flaw in this mechanism has been found which can be used tocircumvent certain types of firewall configurations.
A collection of security fixes, bug fixes, and functionality updates,including the Omni print drivers from IBM.
Updated teTeX packages are available, fixing a temporary file handling vulnerability and an insecure invocation of dvips in a print filter.
Updated webalizer packages are available which fix a security problem andsome minor bugs.
Ghostscript, apostscript interpreter, can read arbitrary system files with the samepermissions as the print spooler, potentially exposing the system to aninformation compromise.
These updates close a vulnerability which would allow a malicious client tocause a Web server to execute arbitrary SQL statements.
New squid packages are available that fix a potential DoS in Squid's FTPhandling code. It is recommened that squid users update to the fixedpackages.
pdated openssh packages are now available for Red Hat Linux 7 and 7.1.These packages fix a vulnerability which may allow unauthorized users tolog in from hosts that have been denied access.
A vulnerability has been found in the ptrace code of the kernel (ptrace isthe part that allows program debuggers to run) that could be abused bylocal users to gain root privileges.
New util-linux packages are available that fix a problem with /bin/login'sPAM implementation. This could, in some non-default setups, cause users toreceive credentials of other users. It is recommended that all usersupdate to the fixed packages.
New util-linux packages are available that fix a problem with /bin/login's PAM implementation. This could, in some non-default setups, cause users to receive credentials of other users.
Updated openssh packages are now available for Red Hat Linux 7 and 7.1. These packages fix a vulnerability which may allow unauthorized users to log in from hosts that have been denied access.
The issue involves the fmt attribute of dtml-var tags.Without this correction, Zope does not check security access to methodsinvoked through fmt. This issue could allow partially trusted users withenough knowledge of Zope to call, in a limited way, methods they would nototherwise be allowed to access.