Red Hat Essential and Critical Security Patch Updates

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RH6.0: KDE (RHSA-1999:015-01)


New KDE RPMs are available for Red Hat Linux 6.0. These RPMs upgrade the 1.1.1pre2 release to 1.1.1 final + fixes. Several security holes have been closed, and other bugs noted in the original RPMs have been corrected.

RH6.0: squid (RHSA-1999:025-01)


cachemgr.cgi, the manager interface to Squid, is installed by default in /home/httpd/cgi-bin. If a web server (such as apache) is running, this can allow remote users to sent connect() requests from the local machine to arbitrary hosts and ports.

RH6.0: pump (RHSA-1999:027-02)


New version of pump, 0.7.0, fixes several problems, including a potential security hole. We strongly recommend that all users using DHCP upgrade to pump 0.7.0, particularly if you use DHCP on a public network such as a cable modem or ADSL service.

RH6.0: inews (RHSA-1999:033-01)


New packages for INN are available for all Red Hat Linux platforms. This version of the package fixes a buffer overrun problem discovered in the inews program, which is part of the INN distribution. No active exploits of the problem have been found so far.

RH6.0: XFree86 (RHSA-1999:035-02)


New XFree86 packages are available for Red Hat Linux 4.2, 5.2, and 6.0 on all architectures. The XFree86 3.3.5 release fixes a number of newly discovered security problems and provides new drivers, as well as fixing a large number of outstanding bugs.