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Google is a popular search engine technology worldwide, as its capabilities permit users to gain answers and information about any questions they have efficiently. Now, Google is constantly developing new cybersecurity projects, and they have created a feature on Chrome that hides IP addresses by implementing a proxy server between the user and cybercriminals.

This proxy server keeps remote websites from seeing the device from which the user is searching. Websites will not be able to tell if users reach out from a phone, tablet, or desktop since they can only access the IP address of the proxy server.

Google can already access user information, as the search engine gathers data based on user searches and website interactions. User apps, browsers, and devices have their information input into Google data collections that track IP addresses, crash reports, system activity, and request URLs. Therefore, Google can access any user information it wants. So, what is the purpose of IP Protection through proxy servers? How does this restriction affect our privacies and permissions within the proxy market?

This article will discuss proxying, the reason behind Google’s development, the benefits and possible implications of a proxy server on Google, and how it could impact other services.

What Is Proxying? Why is Google Developing this New Feature?

Cybersec Esm W500Proxying refers to a practice in which organizations or employees serve as authorized agents or substitutes for other businesses and workers. Google seeks to act as this intermediary between clients requesting a resource and the server providing that same tool. This information collection is Google’s effort to shift clients away from third-party cookies by limiting cross-site website tracking on Chrome, whether on Android or Apple products. The ad-focused surveillance gives Google more control over what users see and access. This new IP Protection feature can impact privacy, tracking, online advertising, and all three combined.

Google plans to improve security posture through user privacy on Chrome Browsers by phasing out third-party cookies. They expect to eliminate those tracking cookies by mid-2024 and replace them with APIs limiting user data from being shared across third-party software and cross-app identifiers. Therefore, Google is introducing the IP Protection feature to phase out Chrome cookies while accommodating regional considerations and allowing websites to adjust to the newest privacy restrictions. The privacy-enhancing technology on IP Protection will be an opt-in feature at first, so users have control over whether or not Chrome keeps track of their behaviors and data that pose value to Google.

Google has shared its plans for how its new feature works and what privacy users will still have. Users will continue to control their information and who can access it, but Google will still maintain control over what data it collects from users.

How Will IP Protection Benefit Users?

IP Protection through proxying can allow browser vendors to offer users additional privacies. An IP Protection expert explains, “The user’s IP address continues to make it feasible to associate users’ activities across origins that otherwise wouldn’t be possible.” While users can formulate unique, persistent profiles that combine with activity tracking, cybercriminals can still pose significant network security threats since information is not fully private. Unlike third-party cookies, users cannot opt out of this covert tracking.

Google’s IP Protection feature can shield user IP addresses with proxy servers. Hence, users have additional protection from third-party cookies that threaten data and network security with their exploits in cybersecurity. Opting into this privacy-enhancing technology prevents users from more detrimental impacts and issues that could hinder privacy and keep users from having ultimate security online. Keep your information away from cybercriminals and network security risks they send us.

Has Google Restricted our Privacy and Access with IP Protection? Is It Monopolizing the Proxy Market?

Yes, Google restricts privacy and access permissions, monopolizing the proxy market by installing IP Protection. Google assigns IP addresses to proxy connections representing a rough, “coarse” user location rather than their specific location. However, you cannot block requests for your IP address on your browser like you could have done with cookies. Google IP Protection works similarly to how a landline phone does in a household. While individual names are not revealed, the common address can be accessed by those interested, which researchers can use to track habits and interests. IP Protection will work in specific domains to start, but it will expand slowly for cross-site tracking capabilities.

Will IP Protection Impact Other Proxy and VPN Services? 

Google has a reputation for providing the answers to millions of user questions. However, the company must prioritize maintaining trust with its users to ensure users utilize its product for years. A Virtual Private Network (VPN) can monetize by selling your Internet history to advertisers, putting your safety at risk. Therefore, Google wants to strengthen privacy by enhancing technology, data, and network security. IP Protection leads higher-up companies to lose money but in the process of establishing trust and keeping users safe.

What Are the Potential Data and Network Security Implications of Launching Google IP Protection?

Cybersec Career1 Esm W500Recently, Google mentioned a few network security risks that could evolve once the company launches and establishes IP Protection as a new feature. Here are such concerns:

  • Data and network security: Google will be tracking its servers, which could make it more difficult for security and fraud protection services to block Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks in network security and detect invalid traffic and cybercriminals.
  • Identity Authentication: Users will need to verify their identity on the proxy before installing and utilizing IP Protection, which could delay their shift to this level of security.
  • Proxy Hacking: IP Protection should prevent proxies from linking web requests to particular accounts. However, proxy hacking has become a popular method for cloud security breaches that can exploit a program’s internal functions and send control commands to the proxy server. Then, the proxy sends requests from these applications, which can pose a significant network security threat in the future.
  • Server Oversight: Computer systems have rate-limiting techniques that permit them to control traffic within a server so that clients can respond to requests promptly while monitoring for other contacts in the process.

Final Thoughts on Google’s New IP Protection Feature

As they introduce the new IP Protection feature on servers, Google expects to experience a slight decrease in trust levels among their users. Cybersecurity projects like these could put more information at risk, redefine online privacy-enhancing technology, and lead users to question how much of their information is already public. While Google tests its IP Protection services, users can decide what is best for their cloud security framework. Regardless, Google will undoubtedly benefit from having another network security toolkit in its back pocket that it can offer to users, and the feature will help keep Google on top of its influence over users.