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Greetings fellow Linux users!

Thank you to everyone who took part in our LinuxSecurity User Survey. As you may be aware of, LinuxSecurity.com is currently in the final stages of a major redesign in an effort to enhance user experience on the site, and your input is invaluable in the remainder of this process. It’s because of active, insightful community members like you that we have been able to remain the Linux community’s central resource for security news, advisories and HOWTOs for over two decades. 

Wondering how you compare to other LinuxSecurity users? Want to get to know your fellow community members better? If so, be sure to check out the summary of our User Survey results below.

Please continue to frequent our site and follow us on social media for more of the content you love - and don’t hesitate to contact us or reach out to us on Twitter or Facebook with questions, feedback, or suggestions - or simply to chat about our shared passion for open-source security!

Yours in Open Source,

Brittany Day

Content Editor, LinuxSecurity.com

Notable Survey Results 

81% of respondents have been using Linux for more than five years.

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According to this survey, the majority of LinuxSecurity users are either Linux hobbyists, admins, or security professionals.

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When asked about their level of experience with Linux, nearly half of all survey respondents report managing multiple systems, and over one quarter say they are comfortable with the command line.

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81% of respondents use multiple distros, with Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian, Red Hat and Linux Mint being among the most popular.

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We track distribution security advisories for many of these distros, and if you aren’t already subscribed to our weekly Linux Advisory Watch newsletter, doing so is an easy, convenient way to stay up-to-date on the latest advisories issued by your distro(s).

According to this survey, network security, firewalls, intrusion detection, privacy and encryption are the Linux security topics of greatest interest to LinuxSecurity users.

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Do any of the above results surprise you? How do you compare? We want to get to know each of our users and hear his or her story. Let’s chat!

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