We are happy to announce a new addition to the Linux Security Contributing Team: Gian G. Spicuzza. Currently a Graduate Student pursuing a Masters Degree in Computer Security (MSIA), Gian is a certified Linux/Unix administrator, the lead developer for the OSCAR-Backup System (at Sourceforge.com) and has experience in a variety of CSO, Management and consulting positions.

His first topic is a quick foray into the world and psychology of Social Engineering:

All the security in the world isn't going to stop one of your employees or coworkers from giving up information. Just how easy is it?

Craig never worked for Linda's company, nor did he call from IT. Craig was an unethical hacker who just gained unauthorized access to her account.
Why? Because a phone call is simple.

Read on to see just how easy businesses can be exploited.

Social Engineering is not just a definition!

By: Gian G. Spicuzza (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

In modern day, you would assume that brute force hacking coupled with some known software flaws would be the easiest way to circumvent a security system. You