The RF Smart Card and card reader/writer were developed to handle payment transaction for public transportation systems. These contact less cards have security features, such as encrypted RF transmission mutual authentication, and security keys. The RF smart card has up to 16 separate sectors, which can be configured as purses or for general data storage. The first sector is typically used as a directory for the rest of the card, leaving 15 segments available for data or purses.
Each sector has two keys, called the A and B keys, allowing different access privileges to that sector. These key pairs can be designated as read and read/write, or decrement and increment/decrement .For example this would allow turnstile readers with the A key to only deduct value from a card sector, while smart card readers with the B keys could either add or subtract value .The card also has a 32-bit unique random number, which is permanently encoded into each chip by the chip manufacturer. Public key infrastructure (PKI) based systems are used to construct a secure system that can achieve secure access conditions. They are consequently being used to carry keys and store personal information in applications such student identification systems.
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About the Author: Suhas A Desai
- Undergraduate Computer Engineering Student,Walchand CE,Sangli,INDIA.
- Previous Publications in area "Linux Based Biometrics Security with Smart Card" are include:ISA EXPO 2004,InTech Journal,TX,USA,IEEE Real Time and Embedded System symposium 2005,CA,USA.,e-Smart 2005,France.
- Writes security newsletters and features for many security sites.