Featured Linux Articles - Page 20

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EnGarde GDSN Subscription Price Reduction


Guardian Digital, the world's premier open source security company, announced today that they will be reducing the annual subscription cost of the Guardian Digital Secure Network for EnGarde Community users from $229 to $60 for a limited time.

profile image Brittany Day

R00ting The Hacker


Dan Verton, the author of The Hacker Diaries: Confessions of Teenage Hackers is a former intelligence officer in the U.S. Marine Corps who currently writes for Computerworld and CNN.com, covering national cyber-security issues and critical infrastructure protection.

profile image Brittany Day

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Fun Things To Do With Your Honeypot


Most of the papers deal with the potential gains a honeypot can give you, and the proper way to monitor a honeypot. Not very many of them deal with the honeypots themselves.

profile image Brittany Day

Intrusion Detection Systems: An Introduction


Intrusion Detection is the process and methodology of inspecting data for malicious, inaccurate or anomalous activity. At the most basic levels there are two forms of Intrusion Detection Systems that you will encounter: Host and Network based.

profile image Brittany Day

Days of the Honeynet: Attacks, Tools, Incidents


Among other benefits, running a honeynet makes one acutely aware about "what is going on" out there. While placing a network IDS outside one's firewall might also provide a similar flood of alerts, a honeypot provides a unique prospective on what will be going on when a related server is compromised used by the intruders.

profile image Brittany Day

Remote Syslog with MySQL and PHP


Msyslog has the ability to log syslog messages to a database. This allows for easier monitoring of multiple servers and the ability to be display and search for syslog messages using PHP or any other programming language that can communicate with the database.

profile image Duane Dunston

Patching It Up


Patching and upgrading software requires more than running a few commands. Having a patch recovery plan, communicating with developers on that server, and knowing who to contact in case of a botched patch job is critical.

profile image Duane Dunston

Newest Members of the Team


Just to give everyone an idea about who writes these articles and feature stories that we spend so much of our time reading each day, I have decided to ask Brian Hatch and Duane Dunston, the newest members of the LinuxSecurity.com team, a few questions.

profile image Duane Dunston

No 'A' Word In Time


Maintaining accurate time is required for security. Many tools and devices exist to ensure that accurate time is maintained on an organization's system. It makes the job of analysis and system administration much easier to deal with, as well.

profile image Duane Dunston

If It Ain't Broke See If It's Fixed


Attackers are still compromising servers with well-known attacks. General awareness can assist the busy administrators and users to protect their systems from these kinds of attacks. SANS provides a list of the Top 20 most common security vulnerabilities, how to identify each, and what can be done to protect against these vulnerabilities.

profile image Duane Dunston

Security: Apache (2 of 3)


This is the second installation of a 3 part article on LAMP (Linux Apache MySQL PHP). Apache is the most widely used HTTP-server in the world today.

profile image Brittany Day

Remote Syslogging - A Primer


The syslog daemon is a very versatile tool that should never be overlooked under any circumstances. The facility itself provides a wealth of information regarding the local system that it monitors.

profile image Brittany Day

Designing Shellcode Demystified


This paper is about the fundamentals of shellcode design and totally Linux 2.2 on IA-32 specific architectures. The base principles apply to all architectures, whereas the details might obviously not.

profile image Brittany Day