1.Penguin Landscape Esm W900

Every user is a privileged user and every system is a privileged system. Thus, all types of systems require privilege security controls. However, the reality is that Unix and Linux are too often left out of modern PAM programs. Learn how to incorporate Unix/Linux in your privilege management strategy.


Lately we’ve been banging the drum that “every user is a privileged user,” meaning privileged users aren’t limited to system administrators but also include business users with access to applications and endpoints linked to critical business data and functions.

The second verse to that refrain is that “every system is a privileged system.” Within your IT environment, laptops, servers, databases, and cloud platforms all must be incorporated into your privilege management strategy. All types of systems—Windows, Mac, and Unix/Linux—need privilege security controls.

Across your entire organization, you need granular control over who can do what, where they are doing it, and when they can do it. Additionally, you need the ability to demonstrate that granular control to company leadership and auditors with consolidated, easily understood reports.

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