We came across an interesting web page today, full of details on the new 3G encryption algorithms. A researcher at AT&T Labs thought it would be a good idea if information about the new encryption algorithms or development processes was available . . .
We came across an interesting web page today, full of details on the new 3G encryption algorithms. A researcher at AT&T Labs thought it would be a good idea if information about the new encryption algorithms or development processes was available to anyone who wanted it. So, he collated as much as he could find, and posted it here.
The new security protocols are based on the bits that worked well in GSM, with new stuff drafted in to fill the gaps.
"In the last few years," Janos Csirik writes, "GSM took a lot of flak for their approach to crypto algorithm design, which relied on keeping the algorithms secret. In fact, their various algorithms have been broken." Although he acknowledges that this is a point of contention, by no means resolved.
The link for this article located at TheRegister is no longer available.