Users are promised interoperability between HushMail accounts and desktop PGP users with a tool which uploads PGP public keys to HushMail servers. A spokeswoman for Hush Communications described it as "a bridge between the two technologies", made possible by the migration . . .
Users are promised interoperability between HushMail accounts and desktop PGP users with a tool which uploads PGP public keys to HushMail servers. A spokeswoman for Hush Communications described it as "a bridge between the two technologies", made possible by the migration of HushMail from proprietary technology to the OpenPGP standard.
Phil Zimmermann, chairman of the OpenPGP Alliance, who was the first to upload his PGP key, said: "Hush's Web based encrypted email has always been simpler for non technical users than PGP, and now it has made a major advancement in interoperability with the rest of the OpenPGP community."