1 - 2 min read
Jul 20, 2006
This page contains my godzilla crypto tutorial, totalling 509 slides in 8 parts, of which the first 7 are the tutorial itself and the 8th is extra material which covers crypto politics. Part 8 isn't officially part of the technical tutorial itself. The tutorial is done at a reasonably high level, there are about two dozen books which cover things like DES encryption done at the bit-flipping level so I haven't bothered going down to this level. Instead I cover encryption protocols, weaknesses, applications, and other crypto security-related information. Since the slides are accompanying material for a proper tutorial, there's a lot of extra context which isn't available just by reading the slides. Bear in mind that some of the claims and comments on the slides need to be taken in the context of the full tutorial. Accompanying the slides are about 150 images, unfortunately I can't make these available for copyright reasons.
The tutorial is formatted so that two slides fit one page, which means you'll burn out about 260 pages of paper printing them all out (half that if you print double-sided). To view the tutorial you'll need a copy of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software. Note that most of the diagrams (and there are quite a few of them) will look a lot better on paper than on screen. The gv viewer (a replacement for ghostview) displays the slides better than the Acrobat Reader, especially with antialiasing enabled. The output was generated from Powerpoint slides, unfortunately Powerpoint converts the text colours of embedded tables into a very hard-to-read light grey, ignoring the actual text colouring set for the table. There doesn't appear to be
any way to fix this problem.
The link for this article located at Peter Gutman is no longer available.