RSA, the Security Division of EMC, here today launched a program that for the first time gives developers its encryption technology tools for free.
RSA traditionally had licensed only its BSAFE encryption technology, which can cost customers tens of thousands of dollars, but company officials say the timing is right to give developers easier access to tools for building more security features into applications from the ground up, rather than tacking them on later.
The new Share Project is an online community for developers that provides support, information, and free downloads of RSA's encryption toolkits for C/C++ and Java. The company plans to offer more free security tools under the program, as well.
"People want more secure products, not more security products," says Tom Corn, vice president for product marketing at RSA. "This is an information security ecosystem."
And to generate a little buzz around its new open community, RSA also announced a $10,000 prize for the developer who comes up with the most creative and practical use of its BSAFE encryption in a Web-based application.
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