Encapsulating security payloads, key exchange mechanisms and other components of establishing secure data transfers. In Part 2, we move on to encapsulating security payloads and key exchange mechanisms. IPSec ESP format, specified in RFC 2406, provides confidentiality, authenticity and integrity.. . .
Encapsulating security payloads, key exchange mechanisms and other components of establishing secure data transfers. In Part 2, we move on to encapsulating security payloads and key exchange mechanisms. IPSec ESP format, specified in RFC 2406, provides confidentiality, authenticity and integrity.
The original packet is transparently encrypted by the IPSec layer before being sent and decrypted on the receiving side. An eavesdropper capturing packets in any intermediate node will not be able to recover the original contents of the packet (or, at least, he should not be able to do it in a reasonable amount of time).
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