Linux Cryptography - Page 16

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OpenSSH 5.9 arrives


The OpenSSH development team has announced the release of version 5.9 of its open source SSH (Secure Shell) implementation. Compared to the OpenSSH 5.8 release from 7 months ago, which was primarily a security update, the latest update includes a wider variety of changes including the addition of new SHA256-based HMAC (Hash-based Message Authentication Code) transport integrity modes.

First dent in the AES crypto algorithm


A team of researchers has discovered a first vulnerability in the AES encryption standard that shortens the algorithm's effective key length by two bits. This means that the usual key lengths of 128, 192 and 256 bits are reduced to 126, 190 and 254 bits.

Encrypt Early, Encrypt Often


A theme that appears anytime the cloud is discussed in the context of IT is security. The general direction of this concern is the prevention of unauthorized access to cloud-hosted data and apps. If the topic is pursued, rather than just acknowledged as an issue, it generally forks into two main threads: preventing access by outside parties (hackers, crackers, protesters, and the like) and preventing access by inside parties, such as unauthorized employees.

Hackers exploit chink in Web's armor


A long-known but little-discussed vulnerability in the modern Internet's design was highlighted yesterday by a report that hackers traced to Iran spoofed the encryption procedures used to secure connections to Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, and other major Web sites.