Linux Cryptography - Page 48
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We have thousands of posts on a wide variety of open source and security topics, conveniently organized for searching or just browsing.
ISPs and corporations could do more to prevent hacking attacks by using digital authentication, according to security vendor Access Research Technologies. The company said its software can generate digital tags which protect communication channels by authenticating and authorising each inbound connection . . .
SSH is a powerful security protocol, but it can prove dangerous if used incorrectly. The paradox of the Internet is that it could never have developed without being open. But that same openness makes today's 'Net vulnerable to attacks of all kinds. The Secure Shell (SSH) protocol is one of a number of solutions developed over the past decade to address this problem.. . .
There is a fundamental flaw in numerous popular encrypted e-mail programs that calls into question the authenticity of digitally signed and encrypted e-mail messages, according to a security researcher who has published a paper on the subject. But, as is usually the case in the security community, the revelation has sparked a debate over the merits of the disclosure.. . .
If the governments of the world are to be believed, Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is playing straight into the hands of the criminal underworld. According to some, it is just too strong, which means that Big Brother finds it very difficult to keep his beady eyes locked onto our every movement.. . .
This article will point out the differences between standard FTP and secure FTP using some real-world examples. Secure FTP solves the password security and port control problems by allowing the entire connection to take place through a single tunneled SSH connection. . . .
Encrypting data that passes over the Internet from customers to e-commerce sites is a good thing. But it's not necessarily enough. In fact, personal data used in online transactions is often encrypted at the least significant time. . . .
The UK government e-Envoy, he of the Microsoft-only Government portal, seems to have got religion after all. In what unkind individuals might term one of the great u-turns of our time, an open source approach to PKI currently looks very close . . .
In October 2000, Microsoft discovered that someone had broken into its internal network, evidently using a Trojan horse program to commandeer the PC of an employee who was working remotely. The widely reported intrusion wasn't just bad publicity for Microsoft. It . . .
Whether you're boarding an airplane or sending a credit-card number into cyberspace, you want to feel secure -- it's a basic human need. Lately, however, we've noticed how often this need is at odds with our yen to stay on the . . .
A group of security companies have teamed up to form the OpenPGP Alliance, a body that aims to ensure compatibility between secure email systems. OpenPGP is a widely used email encryption system based on an Internet Engineering Task Force . . .
It has been almost a year since former President Bill Clinton signed into law the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce (E-SIGN) Act. That was the legislation that cleared the way for digital signatures, a move many thought would be . . .
Hidden deep within its code is a format string vulnerability which can be triggered simply by attempting to decrypt a file with a specially crafted filename. This vulnerability can allow a malicious user to gain unathorized access to the account which attempted the decryption.. . .
This document explains how to configure a VPN tunnel between FreeBSD and Check Point's VPN-1/Firewall-1. Other documents provide similar information, but do not contain instructions specific to VPN-1/Firewall-1 and their integration with FreeBSD. These documents are listed at the conclusion of . . .
The office of the e-Envoy has awarded netproject a contract to examine how to achieve an Open Source PKI that could be used in the second round of PKI interoperability trials to be conducted by the UK Communications-Electronics Security Group (CESG) . . .
For more than 15 years, we have been deluged with the idea that Internet encryption, SSL in particular, is sine qua non--an absolutely indispensable component of enterprise and e-commerce security. The argument goes like this: Because the Internet uses packet switching . . .
The most popular technique, tunneling, entails wrapping private network packets inside TCP/IP data sent via the Internet. Hardware or software on both ends of this VPN connection use a shared encryption key to encrypt and wrap and then unwrap and decipher . . .
In this column, I'll show you how to install JSSE and use it to implement HTTPS (i.e., HTTP over SSL). I'll provide you with an example of a mini-HTTPS server and Java clients that support SSL. I'll then show you how . . .
Products certified for the new Advanced Encryption Standard should be available almost as soon as the proposed standard receives formal approval, officials at the National Institute of Standards and Technology said last week. NIST last October selected the powerful Rijndael algorithm . . .
Seated in the lobby of the National Cryptologic Museum, between a German Enigma machine and a KGB mannequin, James Bamford couldn't have picked a more perfect place to sign copies of his new spy book, "Body of Secrets." But the amazing . . .
This paper is designed to provide HSPs with an understanding of the business case for value added services and presents the rationale for offering SSL acceleration services to hosting service customers. Included are ROI (return on investment) indicators, marketing tips and . . .