With the threat of security breaches continually increasing, it's time to take your operating system seriously -- and Linux is your best friend in this never-ending battle.
Cybersecurity matters -- I've been espousing this hot take on Linux for a very long time. It seems, however, that the phrase "there's no time like the present" is more apropos today than it has ever been. And given it's Cybersecurity Awareness Month, it's a great time to talk about desktop computer security.
Threats to security and privacy never abate. They are constant and they grow more widespread and effective with every passing attack. Bad actors are savvy and know the best ways to hit you with malware, ransomware, and other attacks that could steal your information and your identity. Once your identity is stolen, the sky's the limit on what a threat actor could do.
One of the reasons for the scale of this threat is because, most likely, you use Windows as your primary desktop and laptop operating system. Unfortunately, the number of cybersecurity threats targeting Windows continues to increase, year after year.