Ipchains is a packet-filtering firewall package. You can findan RPM of Ipchains in RedHat/RPMS in the latest PC Quest RedHat CD. First youhave to check whether the Linux kernel supports Ipchains. For this, look for afile named ip_fwchains in /proc/net. If . . .
Ipchains is a packet-filtering firewall package. You can findan RPM of Ipchains in Red Hat/RPMS in the latest PC Quest Red Hat CD. First youhave to check whether the Linux kernel supports Ipchains. For this, look for afile named ip_fwchains in /proc/net. If its not there, then you will have torecompile your kernel. The KERNEL-HOWTO and IP CHAINS-HOWTO will help you. Ifthe file exists, then you can check whether Ipchains is already installed.

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