This LG article discusses configuring an old 486 machine as a secure Internet gateway with two ethernet interfaces. "When finished this will be a very lean install, weighing in at about 130 MB plus swap, there will be no X . . .
This LG article discusses configuring an old 486 machine as a secure Internet gateway with two ethernet interfaces. "When finished this will be a very lean install, weighing in at about 130 MB plus swap, there will be no X Windows, though I like to install Midnight Commander for file management. I'm going to make a couple of assumptions here, first, you know how to install Linux and are familiar with its use. Second I assume you are setting up a gateway computer permanently attached to the internet be it by cable modem, DSL or whatever and will not be used for anything else like a ftp, telnet or web server."

The link for this article located at LinuxGazette is no longer available.