We can't close off all ports; that will shut us off completely. We also can't just specify that certain ports will remain open, since it's impossible to predict which ports non-service programs will grab. And simply allowing traffic destined for specific ports does nothing to prevent malicious bits from waltzing right on in. So what exactly can we do to set up an effective rule that allows the good guys to pass through while preventing the bad ones from accessing our network?
For starters, we can take advantage of the syn flag set to prevent unauthorized access. While iptables examines only headers, not payload, it still does a lot of useful packet analysis based on the headers. For example, when Web surfing, a request goes from your PC to a web server out there somewhere. The web server then responds and sends packets back to you, grabbing the first convenient ephemeral (temporary) port on your system. Other than responding to your request, the server has no reason whatsoever to be sending traffic your way. We can take advantage of this by setting up a rule that blocks all incoming TCP connections that are not initiated by your system:
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