Certainly your organization uses a firewall, most likely at your network borders. And many of you have adopted firewalls to protect your internal network segments, servers, and workstations. Most of these solutions are software-based-you must load that software on top of . . .
Certainly your organization uses a firewall, most likely at your network borders. And many of you have adopted firewalls to protect your internal network segments, servers, and workstations. Most of these solutions are software-based-you must load that software on top of an existing OS. The exceptions are dedicated hardware-based firewalls and routers with embedded firewall add-ons.
Software-based firewalls are great tools, but some people argue that hardware-based firewalls are more effective because they're harder to tamper with. Another cited benefit is that hardware-based firewalls are standalone units that are less prone to interruption from services that often run on an underlying OS.
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