Firewalls and intrusion detection systems need an extra layer of protection, according to a leading security vendor. Paul Lawrence, European technical director at Top Layer Networks, said it was crucial to build up a picture of the data traffic on . . .
Firewalls and intrusion detection systems need an extra layer of protection, according to a leading security vendor. Paul Lawrence, European technical director at Top Layer Networks, said it was crucial to build up a picture of the data traffic on a network and track the movements and identities of any intruders by tracing their so-called 'date DNA'. The company has launched a forensic information gathering tool, SecureWatch, which records information about network activity, such as an intruder's destination and source IP addresses, ports and user names.
Lawrence explained that add-on technologies, such as data monitoring and digital authentication, are some of the fastest-growing sectors in the security market. "From observing your network under attack you get the understanding and expertise you need to dramatically increase the level of security," he said.
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