In this three-part series, you'll learn to install and configure a Linux server and firewall. Part 1 covered the selection and installation of a secure Linux distribution. Part 2 covers the reassignment of the services provided by the old firewall the . . .
In this three-part series, you'll learn to install and configure a Linux server and firewall. Part 1 covered the selection and installation of a secure Linux distribution. Part 2 covers the reassignment of the services provided by the old firewall the authors replaced. And Part 3 covers the process of installing the firewall itself. This week the authors configure mail, FTP, and Web service -- all with the proper level of paranoia.
This article is part two of a three-part series on configuring a secured Linux firewall and server. In this installment we set up replacements on the new server -- wolf. -- for the services which the former firewall and server -- plains. -- provided. (As in our previous article, names and IP addresses have been changed to protect the innocent.)
The link for this article located at LinuxWorld is no longer available.