Army IT officials want the service's communications personnel to "fight" the network so they can provide secure, ample communications on demand to soldiers in combat anywhere in the world. The document identifies the importance of network availability, interoperability and control.
The white paper marks Army IT officials' third wide-scale attempt in recent months to alert personnel to the urgency of operating and protecting the service's networks. In August, Boutelle told Army IT personnel at a conference that the service's systems are increasingly under cyberattack.
In November, Boutelle's office released a brochure, "Fight the Network: The Network as a Weapon System," that highlights main points in the white paper.
Industry officials said Boutelle and Army IT officials will likely focus on strengthening the operation, management and protection of the service's IT infrastructure during the upcoming fiscal 2006 budget process. They expect that Army officials will want to further consolidate the service's enterprise IT infrastructure.
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