The Defense Department already is considering how to protect information in a network-centric environment, according to the department's deputy chief information officer. Priscilla Guthrie, DOD's deputy CIO, said a white paper is circulating within the department that attempts to lay . . .
The Defense Department already is considering how to protect information in a network-centric environment, according to the department's deputy chief information officer. Priscilla Guthrie, DOD's deputy CIO, said a white paper is circulating within the department that attempts to lay out the department's information assurance (IA) requirements in the envisioned network-centric environment, in which data would be made available as quickly as possible to those in the organization or on the battlefield who need it.
The Pentagon issued a directive last October that provided a framework for protecting information. DOD Directive 8500.1, which took effect Oct. 24, 2002, asks the services to identify IA requirements and include them in the design, acquisition, installation, operation, upgrade and replacement of all DOD information systems.
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