1 - 2 min read
Jan 23, 2003
A forthcoming Pentagon directive will shed light on how Defense Department organizations are expected to ensure information is stored on DOD systems adequately. The Pentagon initially issued a directive last October that gave a basic framework for providing information assurance . . .
A forthcoming Pentagon directive will shed light on how Defense Department organizations are expected to ensure information is stored on DOD systems adequately. The Pentagon initially issued a directive last October that gave a basic framework for providing information assurance (IA). DOD Directive 8500.1, which became effective Oct. 24, 2002, calls for information assurance requirements to be identified and included in the design, acquisition, installation, operation, upgrade and replacement of all DOD information systems.
DOD Directive 8500.2 will provide more detailed instructions on how to carry the preceding policy and how it will be enforced.
The policy is expected to be delivered Jan. 23 to John Stenbit, the assistant secretary of Defense for command, control communications and intelligence (ASD/C3I) and DOD chief information officer, said Donald Jones, a member of the ASD/C3I IA directorate, adding that "with a little bit of luck, [8500.2] will be signed within one week."
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