President Bush is requesting $379.9 billion in the fiscal 2004 budget for the Defense Department, including more than $24 billion focused on the DOD's information technology-laden transformation systems and initiatives. The fiscal 2004 request is more than $15 billion greater . . .
President Bush is requesting $379.9 billion in the fiscal 2004 budget for the Defense Department, including more than $24 billion focused on the DOD's information technology-laden transformation systems and initiatives. The fiscal 2004 request is more than $15 billion greater than the current year's funding, and according to a senior DOD budget official, it attempts to balance three competing demands:
"The basic point of this year's budget is that we have accepted near-term risk in order to transform in the longer term," the senior DOD official said.
The focal point of transformation is improving DOD's command, control, communications, computer, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (C4ISR) capabilities. The fiscal 2004 request includes more than $3.9 billion to fund some key programs in that area.
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