Each presidential campaign was queried on 20 top technology issues, including whether the government should tax Internet sales or pay for wiring schools, and whether e-mail deserves First Amendment protection. Since some of the campaigns did not answer all the questions, . . .

Each presidential campaign was queried on 20 top technology issues, including whether the government should tax Internet sales or pay for wiring schools, and whether e-mail deserves First Amendment protection. Since some of the campaigns did not answer all the questions, we scoured their official campaign Web sites for any statements, position papers, or FAQs that explained their stands on these issues.

While we expected some of the candidates to agree on a few of the issues, we were surprised by the degree to which all six candidates -- Al Gore, George W. Bush, the Green Party's Ralph Nader, the Libertarians' Harry Browne, Reform Party candidate Pat Buchanan, and Natural Law/Independent candidate John Hagelin -- expressed the same opinions.

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