Agencies across government are speeding up the procurement and implementation of information systems that will assist the homeland security effort. Information sharing is key to homeland security, and almost every White House initiative in this effort includes a directive to find . . .
Agencies across government are speeding up the procurement and implementation of information systems that will assist the homeland security effort. Information sharing is key to homeland security, and almost every White House initiative in this effort includes a directive to find technology that can help agencies share data. Many agencies already had such programs in the works, but now they are getting more attention and money than anyone expected, officials said at a Nov. 1 breakfast hosted by the Northern Virginia Technology Council.

The State Department has been working on its Overseas Presence Collaboration/Knowledge Management System since the beginning of the year. It is intended to bring together almost 40 agencies with overseas staff in a single network, enabling people to share information around the globe in real time, said Fernando Burbano, State's chief information officer.

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