When a person asks me what a benefit of Linux is (from a layman's point of view), I frequently quote its strength against spyware - basically how using Linux is like getting an innoculation shot against the worst they throw at Windows / IE users. Who wants to use an operating system where someone you dont' even know is constantly monitoring you? In this article, the government has penalized a BitTorrent user by not only putting a monitoring bracelet on him, but they're forcing him to switch to Windows because "their monitoring software only works on Windows PCs". Read on to find out what his reaction is. Why not share you opinion on the matter? Is Linux just
that good of a choice for internet browsing?
How do you feel about Linux's abilities as far as being a "safe and secure browsing environment?" Also, the government must not be studying up on their open source tools, because last I heard tools like Wireshark and Ettercap could easily capture traffic. They could even force him to go through a Squid proxy and constantly monitor his traffic there.
The link for this article located at The Register is no longer available.