Are you concerned that the collection of phone location data is compromising your privacy? Have you heard that US intelligence agencies haven't been harvesting US residents’ geolocation data since last summer and won't be doing so in future investigations? What are your thoughts on this? Learn more:
The last 18 months have seen significant changes to the US’s collection of phone location data. Since 1994, law enforcement agencies in the US had been able to access court records thanks to an amendment to the 1996 Stored Communications Act. Under this legislation, a judge could give prosecutors access if they could justify that call records were relevant and material to an ongoing investigation.
That all changed in a lawsuit brought by Tim Carpenter, who was convicted in 2011 after federal prosecutors trawled location cell phone data, tying his phone to the time and location of several robberies. Carpenter sued in appeals court, claiming that the trawling violated his Fourth Amendment rights. He lost on appeal, but then the case went to the Supreme Court, which ruled in his favour in a 5-4 vote.
That decision stopped the warrantless collection of phone location data by police and federal law enforcement, but what about for the intelligence community?
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