All executive branch agencies are free to hire their own information technology professionals to bolster the security of their information systems, the Office of Personnel Management has announced. The agency notified agency heads and chief human capital officers of the . . .
All executive branch agencies are free to hire their own information technology professionals to bolster the security of their information systems, the Office of Personnel Management has announced. The agency notified agency heads and chief human capital officers of the new direct-hire authority, effective immediately, for professionals in the GS-2210 series at Grade 9 and above. The announcement is intended to speed hiring of cybersecurity specialists.
Agencies have long been able to request direct-hire authority when they are experiencing staff shortages and encountering difficulty in filling vacancies. Now, however, OPM need not wait for a request but can declare that a critical hiring need exists, in an occupational group, a geographic area or governmentwide.
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