President Bush?s first budget sets aside funds for two Clinton administration information security projects and provides modest gains for governmentwide security initiatives. The Scholarship for Service program, designed to increase the number of information security professionals, netted $11.2 million for 2002. . . .
President Bush?s first budget sets aside funds for two Clinton administration information security projects and provides modest gains for governmentwide security initiatives. The Scholarship for Service program, designed to increase the number of information security professionals, netted $11.2 million for 2002. The scholarships pay for the education of students willing to serve as federal security professionals after graduation. The SFS program, managed by the National Science Foundation, will award its first grants in June.
The $5 million proposed for the Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office shows that Bush intends to extend PDD-63 beyond its expiration date, said John Tritak, director of the CIAO.
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