There is a lot to like about U.S. Sen. Cantwell’s newConsumer Online Privacy Rights Act(COPRA). It is an important step towards thecomprehensiveconsumer data privacy legislation that we need to protect us from corporations that place their profits ahead of our privacy. What is your opinion on this bill? We support it! Learn more in an informative EFF article:
The bill, introduced on November 26, is co-sponsored by Sens. Schatz, Klobuchar, and Markey. It fleshes out the framework for comprehensive federal privacy legislation announced a week earlier by Sens. Cantwell, Feinstein, Brown, and Murray, who are, respectively, the ranking members of the Senate committees on Commerce, Judiciary, Banking, and Health, Education, Labor and Pensions.
This post will address COPRA’s various provisions in four groupings: EFF’s key priorities, the bill’s consumer rights, its business duties, and its scope of coverage.