Speaking to more than 300 IT executives at the first National Cyber Security Summit in California, Ridge said everything from electricity grids to banking transactions and telecommunications depends on secure, reliable cyber networks, and terrorist groups "know, as do we, that . . .
Speaking to more than 300 IT executives at the first National Cyber Security Summit in California, Ridge said everything from electricity grids to banking transactions and telecommunications depends on secure, reliable cyber networks, and terrorist groups "know, as do we, that a few lines of code could ultimately wreak as much havoc as a handful of bombs".

Ridge said the number of cyberattacks has continued to rise, with more than 76,000 occurring in the first six months of this year. "Many of these are the work of hackers. Yet, we know the enemies of freedom use the same technology that hackers do. And we know that they are looking to strike in any manner that will cripple our society."

Ridge also pressed the IT industry and the private businesses that own and operate more than 85% of the US critical infrastructures to "lead the way" in cybersecurity.

"The continued success of protecting our cyberspace depends on the investment and commitment of each of you and the businesses you represent," he said.

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