The Bush administration will not unveil the final version of a national cybersecurity plan this Wednesday, saying it wants to gather more input from the technology industry. The White House had been expected to offer a detailed strategy for protecting . . .
The Bush administration will not unveil the final version of a national cybersecurity plan this Wednesday, saying it wants to gather more input from the technology industry. The White House had been expected to offer a detailed strategy for protecting the nation's critical information infrastructure from attack. Instead, the administration will release another draft of the strategy.

"We've said all along that this is a living document," said Tiffany Olsen, an aide to White House cybersecurity adviser Richard Clarke. "We wanted to make sure we have buy-in from all the parties involved before the official release comes out." Technology firms will have 60 days to submit comments on the latest draft, Olsen said, with an official presidential unveiling of the final plan scheduled for before the end of the year.

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