Bright new year, slimy return of The Dark Overlord (TDO), a well-known group of highly self-amusing cyber extortionists who’ve now chosen 9/11-related firms to pick on.
The group announced on Pastebin (content now removed) on New Year’s Eve that it had hacked a law firm that handles cases relating to the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks. It threatened to publicly release what it claimed are gigabytes of confidential, litigation-related documents:
E-mails, retainer agreements, non-disclosure agreements, settlements, litigation strategies, liability analysis, defence formations, collection of expert witness testimonies, testimonies, communications with government officials in countries all over the world, voice mails, dealings with the FBI, USDOJ, DOD, and more, confidential communications, and so much more.
The link for this article located at NakedSecurity / Sophos is no longer available.