British police Thursday arrested a suspected member of the TeaMp0isoN hacktivist group.
The unnamed 17-year old boy was arrested in the north of England on charges of violating the country's Computer Misuse Act 1990, which is the law in Britain typically used to charge people who are suspected of hacking offenses.
"The suspect, who is believed to use the online 'nic' 'MLT', is allegedly a member of and spokesperson for TeaMp0isoN ('TeamPoison')--a group which has claimed responsibility for more than 1,400 offences including denial of service and network intrusions where personal and private information has been illegally extracted from victims in the U.K. and around the world," read a statement released by London's Metropolitan Police Service. It said that the suspect had been tracked down by the force's Police Central eCrime Unit (PCeU), which serves as a cyber-crime investigation service for England, Wales, and Northern Ireland.
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