1 - 2 min read
Nov 16, 2001
On November 11, 2001, a defacer known as "w00tx0rs" defaced the home page for 'Trinux'. Since the defacement, the site has not responded to any attempts to load the web page.. . .
On November 11, 2001, a defacer known as "w00tx0rs" defaced the home page for 'Trinux'. Since the defacement, the site has not responded to any attempts to load the web page.
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2001 06:43:27 -0700 (MST) From: security curmudgeon To: defaced-commentary@attrition.org Subject: [defaced-commentary] Trinux site defaced On November 11, 2001, a defacer known as "w00tx0rs" defaced the home page for 'Trinux'. Since the defacement, the site has not responded to any attempts to load the web page. Site maintainer Matthew Franz posted regarding this: If for some reason you've run across https://theotcinvestor.com/ you will not find the friendly penguin there. This is either one of two things: 1) DNS screwup 2) Compromise of ISP/Web Hosting folks I either case your best bet is you use the Sourceforge site until further notice (https://sourceforge.net/projects/trinux/) and I would *not* use (although it doesn't appear to work) for package loading. Thanks = mdf What is Trinux? Trinux is a ramdisk-based Linux distribution that boots from a single floppy disk, loads it packages from an HTTP/FTP server, a FAT/EXT2/NTFS filesystem, or additional floppies and contains precompiled versions versions of popular Open Source network security tools for port scanning, packet sniffing, vulnerability scanning, sniffer detection, packet construction, active/passive OS fingerprinting, network monitoring, session hijacking, intrusion detection, and more. Trinux also provides support for Perl, PHP, and Python scripting languages. Mirror: - The information and commentary is Copyright 2001, by the individual author. Permission is granted to quote, reprint or redistribute provided the text is not altered, and the author and attrition.org is credited. The opinions expressed in this mail are not necessarily the opinion of all Attrition staff members. Commentary Archive: The Attrition Mirror: Country/TLD Statistics: Attrition Defacement Statistics: Operating System Graphs: Other Web Defacement Mailing Lists: Contacting Attrition Staff: staff@attrition.org To subscribe to Defaced Commentary, send mail to majordomo@attrition.org with "subscribe defaced-commentary" in the BODY of the mail (without quotes). To unsubscribe, include "unsubscribe defaced-commentary" in the BODY of the mail.