The bad guys of the Internet -- black hat hackers, scammers, and the like -- are becoming more organized and directed in their attacks, according to Howard Schmidt, president of the Information Security Forum. As companies begin looking toward cloud services, they're often wary of the problems they've faced in the past but also careful not to fall into the same traps again.
The Information Security Forum may bill itself as the world's leading independent authority on IT security, but the companies and agencies that its members work for are finding themselves more dependent than ever on its computer security expertise.
Current trends that are expanding access to networks for companies and consumers are also providing more potential opportunities for IT's "bad guys": hackers, cybercriminals, Web fraudsters. Whether it's cloud computing, the move to put health records online or the growth of wireless devices, it's Howard A. Schmidt's job to make sure the ISF can be a go-to organization for those looking to secure their networks.
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