Telnet and ftp send passwords over the network in clear text that can be easily sniffed. You should replace them with more modern tools such as ssh and scp. SSLtelnet/SSLftp are also available but do not seem to be in such wide use.. . .
Telnet and ftp send passwords over the network in clear text that can be easily sniffed. You should replace them with more modern tools such as ssh and scp. SSLtelnet/SSLftp are also available but do not seem to be in such wide use.

Telnet and ftp send passwords over the network in clear text that can be easily sniffed. You should replace them with more modern tools such as ssh and scp. SSLtelnet/SSLftp are also available but do not seem to be in such wide use.

SSH is a better telnet than telnet -- it even handles remote X sessions transparently, letting you ssh into another machine and run X aps there with the display automagically exported to your local X server. Give it a try: log on to your ISP from an X term using ssh and type something like xeyes &.