Ramen is an Internet worm, which propagates from a Linux based server to another. It works in a similar way as the Morris Worm that was widespread in 1989. Ramen affects systems running a default installations of Red Hat Linux . . .
Ramen is an Internet worm, which propagates from a Linux based server to another. It works in a similar way as the Morris Worm that was widespread in 1989. Ramen affects systems running a default installations of Red Hat Linux 6.2 and 7.0. It attempts to infect the system by exploiting two know security vulnerabilities. If the worm gets access to the vulnerable host, it will replace the default page of the web server to one that contains the following text:
RameN Crew - Hackers looooooooooooove noodles.
Here's a pretty good technical description of the worm and it's contents.
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