1 - 2 min read
Jul 11, 2000
For businesses trying to protect themselves, there are big challenges. It's expensive, both in terms of capital and skilled labor, to secure networks, mobile workers, and E-commerce operations. Security staffs are being asked to deploy a growing number of security applications, which by their very nature are complex. . . .
For businesses trying to protect themselves, there are big challenges. It's expensive, both in terms of capital and skilled labor, to secure networks, mobile workers, and E-commerce operations. Security staffs are being asked to deploy a growing number of security applications, which by their very nature are complex.
For many security professionals-already spread thin-there's not enough time to design and implement the processes that will ensure these protective measures live up to their potential.Businesses are tuned in to the problem. In this year's Global Security Survey, 71% of the 4,900 executives, security professionals, and technology managers who responded rank information security as a high priority for their businesses. That's up from 60% last year and 56% two years ago. But only 38% of the respondents say their security policies are very well aligned with their business goals. Forty-five percent say their security policies are somewhat aligned with business goals, and 17% say the two don't mesh at all.
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