I just recently finished yet another security review on the network at my place of employment. I designed the different security features from scratch and I am using a variety of devices and software (firewalls, IDS, DMZs, and so on). I . . .
I just recently finished yet another security review on the network at my place of employment. I designed the different security features from scratch and I am using a variety of devices and software (firewalls, IDS, DMZs, and so on). I like to look at network security with the same attitude as I look on the stock market: diversify. Don't put all your eggs in one basket. As I was pondering the review results I wondered what a completely unbiased observer would think of my security. I remember thinking that someone should start a radio show similar to James Cramer's RealMoney and ask the listeners: Are you secure? I am aware of what the NSA considers to be a secure network, but, honestly, who has read that stuff? What do you consider to be a secure network? What low-budget security features have you come up with? I don't think I am the only one spending evenings and weekends playing around with yet another IDS.

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