According to Johna Johnson, president and chief research officer at Nemertes Research, SSL defines a secure, encrypted communications mechanism between applications, most commonly between a web browser and server, and is independent of the underlying protocols, particularly IP (see also page . . .
According to Johna Johnson, president and chief research officer at Nemertes Research, SSL defines a secure, encrypted communications mechanism between applications, most commonly between a web browser and server, and is independent of the underlying protocols, particularly IP (see also page 14: The next-generation VPN).
IPSec, on the other hand, provides a secure, encrypted communications mechanism at the IP layer. It is independent of the application, meaning that any application that uses IP can run across it, she explained. SSL-VPNs are a growing market segment. According to Infonetics Research, this new market is expected to exceed US$600 million in sales by 2006.
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