Amidst the cacophony about VPNs and whether IPsec or SSL is the better solution, and which vendor has done the most to satisfy the journalists and analysts, one "minor" issue seems to be falling by the wayside - You the user - Irrelevant maybe to most vendors, but nevertheless a problem they need to resolve in order to achieve those quarterlies! . . .
Amidst the cacophony about VPNs and whether IPsec or SSL is the better solution, and which vendor has done the most to satisfy the journalists and analysts, one "minor" issue seems to be falling by the wayside - You the user - Irrelevant maybe to most vendors, but nevertheless a problem they need to resolve in order to achieve those quarterlies!

Ask any IT Manager today what is his or her greatest issue is when it comes to secure remote access for employees and customers, and they will tell you 9 times out of 10 that it is their end users. They are faced with the problem as to how their organizations can deploy secure remote access on a scale never before undertaken, in a cost effective and manageable fashion? Of course allied to the major issue of the end user deployments are the peripheral issues such as authentication, the integrity of the users' PC, administration, etc., all of which are important, but end user deployment and ease of use is the issue.

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