This August 2001 article answers the questions, "What would you do if you were given ten days to secure your network?" You're a new LAN administrator and you been given the charge of "securing" the network. What would be the most . . .
This August 2001 article answers the questions, "What would you do if you were given ten days to secure your network?" You're a new LAN administrator and you been given the charge of "securing" the network. What would be the most effective plan of action in the shortest period of time? What could you do to make your network more secure quickly? This paper will present ten days of effective tasks, with a quick task and long term task each day. Each essential security action listed below in the day-by-day tables has three characteristics:
- Focuses on real threats rather than theoretical threats
- Can be implemented quickly and inexpensively
- Are proven and effective
The link for this article located at SANS is no longer available.