Who hasn't suffered from an cyberincursion and yearned to strike back at the attacker? Who didn't smile a little when the Nachi worm, which attempted to undo the damage caused by other worms, was released into the wild? "Strikeback" - actions . . .
Who hasn't suffered from an cyberincursion and yearned to strike back at the attacker? Who didn't smile a little when the Nachi worm, which attempted to undo the damage caused by other worms, was released into the wild? "Strikeback" - actions taken by victims of cybercrime to hack the machines of their attackers - has been much discussed in the security community lately, and these links offers insight into the spectrum of that discussion. You'll learn that while striking back at attackers may be emotionally satisfying, this practice has any number of legal and ethical problems - and it may not even make the Internet much safer.
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